Permission to Treat Yourself Extremely Well – My Thoughts on the Good Life

Permission to Treat Yourself Extremely Well – My Thoughts on the Good Life

The Good Life is Yours

This blog article is my friendly love letter to you. I’m giving you a big, beautiful gift today: permission to treat yourself extremely well. Because you deserve the best.

I assume you already live a beautiful existence. But even so, today I want to give you permission to live the good life, whatever that looks like for you.

Of course, you don’t need my permission, or anyone else’s, to treat yourself well. But just in case it frees you up in some way, you have my encouragement, blessing, and permission to do the following.

You have permission to love yourself.

You are outstanding, lovable, and overflowing with magic. There’s only one you, with your fantastic jumble of skills, strengths, and talents. I suggest you fall deeply in compassionate, kind, hearty love with yourself. Because the more you authentically love yourself right now, the happier you will be, and the more the world will benefit.

You have permission to create your own happiness.

You know exactly what brings you joy, deep down. Identify your big, juicy dreams and live them, one little action at a time. Be patient. Focus on what you can control. Take responsibility for your own happiness, satisfaction, and engagement in life. Indulge in the hobbies, pursuits, and company you love. Delight in the simple things. Be easily entertained. Allow yourself to truly enjoy yourself whenever possible. Roll around in the goodness frequently.

You have permission to be healthy.

Take excellent care of yourself. You are a beautiful creature that should shine with your fullest potential. Get plenty of sleep consistently. Eat fresh plant-based foods often. Exercise or go for walks. Meditate in whatever way works for you. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. Keep your finances healthy too by spending less than you earn. Be prudent: do what’s truly good for you in the long run. But allow occasional harmless exceptions. Set yourself up for thriving success every day.

You have permission to do nothing.

Give yourself the luxury of free time, here and there. Soak up the sun. Lay in a hammock. Passively soak up some nature, or the buzz of the city. Waste some time in a hot tub. Idle for awhile. Let your mind wander without rules. Be a slug once in a while. Sometimes a little bit of nothing is exactly what you need.

You have permission to be outrageously ambitious.

Allow yourself to think big. Notice the positive places your mind goes when it wanders. Imagine a beautiful life for yourself and loved ones tomorrow, and 20, 40, or 70 years in the future. Construct a compelling future you’re totally in love with, that’s fully in line with your values. Write it all down or daydream obsessively. Imagine your future self living your wildest dreams and being incredibly grateful. Be flexible and open to the twists, turns, and happy surprises that life will inevitably throw your way. Still, create solid plans to nurture your visions into reality, and do the work with joy in your heart. Give the world your best. Systematically reward yourself to keep up the motivation. Be persistent, methodical, and get into the flow. Indulge your ambitions.

You have permission to love other people.

Celebrate the people you love. The world is overflowing with wonderful people. Allow yourself you love them and accept their love in return. Spend quality time with your nearest and dearest. Remember that all people deserve love. Especially you. Be glad that’s true. Consider silently giving love to all people, regardless of circumstance. You have great power to give love to other people. Your love is a powerful life-enhancing thing. Enjoy exercising your benevolent power liberally.

You have permission to feel extreme gratitude.

You have so much to be grateful for. Revel in this fact. Life is incredibly good to you in many ways. If you want to treat yourself to glowing happiness, list a thousand, or even just a few things you’re grateful for. The kind people in your life. The blue sky. The green grass. The air in your lungs. The feet in your shoes. All the good things in your past, present, and future. Consider yourself lucky. Be deeply generous in your gratitude. The list could go on forever, because if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll recognize you’re already incredibly rich in many ways. Remember that always.

You have permission to forgive yourself.

No one is perfect, and everyone on earth boasts a long record of failures. Forgive yourself for being imperfectly human, and delight in your wonky charisma. Move into your future with courage and a smile. Your flaws are part of your charm. Your failures are full of hidden opportunity. Be sure to treat your perfectly imperfect self extremely well.

Go enjoy your gift

That was a lot of fun. Now, go live the good life. You have permission to live a beautiful reality, and the freedom to soak up the goodness every day of your gorgeous life.

Next Week: Simplifying Daily Routines – 30-Day Personal Challenge Wrap-Up

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