Work on My Book for an Hour per Day – 30-Day Personal Challenge

Work on My Book for an Hour per Day – 30-Day Personal Challenge

Limited Time & Energy

I’d like to finish this little book I’m working on, and submit it for a copyright, by Thanksgiving. Not sure that’s realistic. Energy and time are limited. But I’m going to try. With that in mind, my 30-day personal challenge this month is to work on my book for an hour per day.

I’m writing a how-to book about an artistic, teachable skill I have. I’ve written the first draft. I’ve drawn sketches of the artwork that’ll be included. Now I need to revise my writing and create the artwork.

My life is busy and full. But this book is important to me, and I’m enjoying the process! 🙂 So I’m going to squeeze in time to work on it, without stealing from other areas of my life. I have a strong feeling consistency is the key to getting this done. Consistent, daily, directed action.

Consistency is the Key

I’d like to share with you my plan for how I’m going to squeeze in that hour of book work each day.

30 Minutes Writing Time Before Work: I wake up every weekday morning at 5am. I will not snooze the alarm. I’ll immediately put on warm clothes, listen to an audiobook on my bluetooth, and go downstairs. I’ll prepare a green smoothie, nuts, and coffee. I’ll turn off my bluetooth and write in a journal for a few minutes. Then I’ll take out my computer, set a timer for 30 minutes, and be fully engaged in my writing for that time.

I’ll write every day, whether I feel like it or not. It seems I do the best writing when I’m consistent, with predictable work blocks and breaks. I do a little writing, set it aside, do a little writing, set it aside. Consistent engagement, with breaks to let my mind wander and process what I’m writing. My subconscious seems to fill in whatever is missing from my writing, while I’m showering, driving, or doing anything else. I’ll often jot my fleeting writing ideas down in the notes of my cell phone, or just take a mental note, so I can incorporate them next time I write.

30 Minutes Artistic Time During Lunch Break: I have a 60-minute lunch break at work, so I’ll use the first 30 minutes to work on my book artwork. I’ll gather my art supplies and go into the work conference room by myself, and I’ll set a timer for 30 minutes. Then I’ll draw, organize, and conceptualize the artwork.

I’ll be able to get a lot done by focusing on the art for 30 minutes per day consistently. It adds up. I used this strategy to draw the artwork sketches I’ve already completed. It worked well. It takes some discipline. But it’ll be worth it.

The Weekends: I’ll be a bit more flexible on the weekends, and fit in my 30 minutes of writing and 30 minutes of artistic time around my husband and son, and whatever else I’m up to.

Exceptions: Overall, I’ll call it good, as long as I write for 3.5 hours per week, and do artwork for 3.5 hours per week, averaging 30 minutes per day on each type of book work. Sometimes when I’m writing or working on artwork, I get really engaged in what I’m doing. At times like that, I want to just go with the flow, when time and responsibilities allow me to. The creative process, and life and work, will force me to be flexible. I know it. That’s okay.

I think this is a solid plan based on consistency. I hope to get a lot done. If you have any advice for me, please share. Creating this book has been both a lot of fun and a daunting project for me. I’m intimidated and excited at the same time. In any case, onward! 🙂

Next Week: Audiobooks Versus Print Books – Personal Development Book Recommendations

2 thoughts on “Work on My Book for an Hour per Day – 30-Day Personal Challenge”

  • I wish you the best of luck with the writing process! I’ve found that developing that daily routine really helps in establishing consistency, even if it’s starting small with a lower investment in regards to time spent each day. Looking forward to checking out your book when it’s out for publication!

    • Thank you for your interest Brandon! My book work is off to a good start this month. I think this consistency thing is really big. I agree with you on that. I’m re-listening to a book called The Compound Effect right now that is convincing me that consistency is mathematically where it’s at. Nice to hear you’ve noticed the same thing. I truly appreciate your input. Hope life is good for you my friend!

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