Work on My Book for an Hour per Day – 30-Day Personal Challenge Wrap-Up

Work on My Book for an Hour per Day – 30-Day Personal Challenge Wrap-Up

Progress Not Perfection

Writing a book, especially one that has a lot of artwork elements, is more difficult than I’d imagined. I still think it’s 100% doable to finish it. It’s just challenging in a variety of ways, as time and energy are limited.

Pretty soon, I’ll share more details of what the book is about in this blog. It’s not my style to be so secretive and vague. I’ve been hesitant to share details publicly, partly because I want to have some really good artwork images to illuminate what this how-to book is all about. The whole book is based around the images. I’m getting closer to having those ready. So I’m excited to share more about this book with you soon. That motivates me, and I’m looking forward to it! 🙂

Working on the book, for an average of an hour per day, has been my 30-day challenge this month. I’ll let you know here how it’s gone so far.

My goal was to be consistent. For the first two weeks, I was consistent. But during the third week, other work and life demands totally took my focus away from the book, and I didn’t work on it at all for 6 days in a row. Then I made up for most of that missed time on a weekend. So it’s been a little stop and go. But I guess that’s the way life is sometimes.

Even so, this month I’ve made a lot of good progress on the writing revisions and artwork for the book this month. I’m solving some perplexing problems, finding solutions, and completing work that’ll help me make the book good. I’m learning a lot, and there’s still a lot I don’t know. But I’ll figure it out.

Plans Moving Forward

I still have another week of this challenge left. I want to get back to the consistency I intended, and put in a predictable hour per day on the book daily: half an hour early in the morning, and half an hour at lunch.

I hope to continue this consistent effort past the 30-day challenge. I’d still really like to finish this book by Thanksgiving 2018. Hopefully that happens. Then I can start the copyright process, which takes 3 to 9 months as I understand.

Sometime within the next few months, I’ll post a blog article explaining exactly what this book is about. It’s a how-to book about a teachable artistic skill. I’ll get way more specific than that, and I’ll be sure to include illustrative pictures! Thank you for your interest and for reading All the best to you! 🙂

Next Week: Be a “Bucket Filler” – 30-Day Personal Challenge Begins

2 thoughts on “Work on My Book for an Hour per Day – 30-Day Personal Challenge Wrap-Up”

    • Thank you so much Krista! I so appreciate your encouragement. The book is a gigantic challenge, but it’s kind of a bucket list sort of thing for me. And it’s a lot of fun! 🙂

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