Do Yoga Every Day – 30-Day Personal Challenge Wrap-Up

Do Yoga Every Day – 30-Day Personal Challenge Wrap-Up

Yoga is a pleasant thing to do every day. All the stretching and strengthening this month has improved my sciatica situation. Although I’m not pain free, I have less pain. I’m grateful for the improvement! I’ve been doing small bursts of yoga and targeted exercises morning, noon, and night. I feel stronger and more flexible. I trust my new and improved range of motion so much I’ve even tried some handstands without a wall support! Makes me feel like a kid in gymnastics again.


My 30-day yoga challenge has convinced me that I really need to make yoga a permanent fixture in my life, as a lifelong practice. I always feel best when I’m consistently doing a good amount of yoga. I’ve had years and months in the past when I’ve really been consistent with yoga, and times where I’ve been inconsistent, and times when I’ve given it up completely.


I’ve shied away from yoga ever since the middle of my only pregnancy almost three years ago. Since then, my body has been kind of stiff, and off-and-on painful, and out-of-whack. I’ve been hesitant to do yoga regularly, out of fear I’d hurt myself worse. So I’m going really slow and listening to my body, which gives me lots of feedback. I’m realizing my body really likes and needs gentle yoga and the strength, flexibility, and balance it brings. I appreciate that it relieves a good amount of my sciatic pain and numbness. I believe yoga is part of the solution, along with a variety other remedies I’m experimenting with.


I plan to keep this daily yoga practice in my life for the long-term. I believe I’ll be able to do this, because I make it really easy on myself. I remove all the barriers. I do yoga wherever I want, whenever I want, in whatever I’m wearing. I don’t attend classes or watch videos; I just rely on my past instruction where I learned proper technique. I do short bursts of a few minutes of yoga, or 10-20 minutes all at once if I feel like it. It doesn’t matter how I do the yoga, just that I do it.


If you already do yoga, that’s awesome. I’d love to hear about your experience with yoga, how you incorporate it into your life, and the benefits you experience.

If yoga is new to you but sounds interesting, you might want to give it a try. Be sure to learn how to do it correctly and safely from a qualified professional, as every body is different, and the ultimate goal is feeling healthy.


Thank you so much for reading Thoughts On The Good Life, and happy holidays! It means a lot to me that your read my blog. I’m very grateful! I love sharing with you my thoughts, ideas, and questions. I hope my efforts put some ripples of positivity into the world that start with you.

Next Week: Inbox Zero Across the Board – 30-Day Personal Challenge Begins


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