Blog Posts on Pause

Thoughts on the Good Life blog posts will be taking a brief hiatus for 1-3 months, while I finish my holiday window painting book and launch. I’m very excited to complete, self-publish, and launch sales of this how-to craft book. All my energy for writing and creativity need to go to the book for now. Here are a few quick details, just to keep you in the loop:
This book is so close to being done, and it’s really a lot of work, especially with working full-time and motherhood. I need every moment of free time I can get my hands on to fine-tune the final print version of the book, set up the book website, submit the copyright, dial in the distribution details, and set up basic marketing systems on social media.
It’s pretty incredible to see it all come together. I love the book, and this is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, right after motherhood. I’m going to do my best to keep things simple, and launch the book before the 2019 holidays. I’m planning on it! Once that’s done, I’ll resume Thoughts on the Good Life posts on the first Monday of each month. Wish me luck. 🙂 Have a beautiful fall!!!