Treat Yourself Extremely Well

Be good to yourself. Be kind to yourself. Do the things that make you truly healthy, happy, and actualized. Treat yourself extremely well.
This blog post is going to be incredibly basic. It’s going to focus on things that are so obviously important, yet somehow they seem to get forgotten and taken for granted. These are the things I want to increasingly focus on, and they’ll likely benefit you too. As I see it, these wonderful free luxuries in life are some of the fundamental building blocks of the good life.
So treat yourself extremely well. It’s not selfish. It’s simply the best thing you can do to support your own success and the success of everyone around you.
Nurture your physical health. Give yourself the gift of focusing on your own healthiness and wellbeing. Sleep plenty. Relax. Exercise. Eat mostly healthy foods. Drink lots of water. Take good care of your body. Dress for success. Take good care of your physical surroundings.
Nurture your psychological health. Be kind to yourself. Appreciate all the good things you do every day. Recognize how far you’ve come. Acknowledge how all your good efforts could positively effect the future. Cultivate an organized mind. Recognize your own strengths. Love yourself. Value yourself. Give yourself respect.
Nurture your financial health. Work hard. Choose jobs that pay you well. Fully enjoy today, and if possible, live way below your means. Be prudent. Remember the best stuff in life is free, so indulge in the gratis and thrifty luxuries of life. Save and invest to create a beautiful future. Reward yourself for true achievement. Plan and track your progress.
Nurture your social health. Be good to everyone around you and wish them well. Spend quality time with your nearest and dearest. Lavishly-yet-economically celebrate the good stuff in life with other people.
Nurture your spiritual health. Recognize that you’re tapped into all kinds of good things. Get tuned into all the goodness, abundance, inspiration, and intelligence of the universe. Trust your gut and follow your lucky hunches. Remember that the great opportunity is where you are.
Nurture your self-actualization. Identify your biggest, boldest dreams, and do what it takes to make them reality. Practice consistent self-discipline. Apply all that you know. Go big if you want to go big.
Live as yourself. If deep down you want a life of quiet reflection, seek a life of quiet reflection. If you are really really ambitious deep down, be ambitious. If you’re a mix of both, be a beautiful paradox. If deep down you’re something else, be that.
In case you’re wondering, yes, this blog article was partly inspired by Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Whatever you do, treat yourself extremely well. Take notice of the abundant goodness in you and around you. Nurture the good stuff you’ve got, because what you focus on flourishes.